Features & Benefits
- Fast-dissolving, traceable and easy to use holding and shipping treatment packets.
- Appropriate amount of nutrients to prevent premature bud opening.
- Adjusts the pH of the water for best flower food hydration performance.
- Keeps the stem’s “plumbing” free flowing.
- Can be used on all types of flower varieties.
- Aids in reducing shrink and customer credits.
- Effective at room temperature and in refrigeration.
- Remove flower foliage that will be below the solution level in the container.
- Re-cut flower stems with a clean, sharp cutting tool, cutting 1 inch (3cm) off the bottom of stems.
- Put one packet of Floralife® eZ Dose delivery system into a clean bucket with the appropriate amount of water. Do not open the packet.
- Keep flowers treated in solution during transport or storage until it is time to prepare them for consumer sales. Change solution at least once a week.
- After treatment with this product, use a Floralife® Flower Food to aid in extending flower vase life.
Put one packet of Floralife® eZ Dose delivery system into a clean bucket with the appropriate amount of water. Do not open the packet. There are 3 different packet sizes available to treat 1.5, 2 or 3 quarts of water depending on your application.FloraLife® Clear 200 eZ Dose®
eZ Dose delivery system
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A fast-dissolving, traceable storage solution, Floralife® eZ Dose delivery system is a convenient holding and shipping treatment. It is made in a microperforated packet so it can be directly placed or dropped into a clean flower bucket without having to tear the packet open for use. The micro-perforated holes allow water to penetrate into the packet quickly and dissolve the flower food powder once in the water. The fast dissolving patented technology of the packet ensures quick mixing of the contents throughout the entire bucket of water. It is available in pre-measured amounts to accommodate different bucket water volumes, making the dosage correct for the greatest flower performance. The micro-perforated packet is a very bright, vibrant color which is easily seen and should remain in the bucket until it is time to re-clean the buckets and change the food solution. This colorful packet serves as a great tool for store management as a visual identifier to confirm the treatment has been made. For wholesalers, bouquet makers, supermarkets and florists – Use as a convenient and easy way to store flowers in a fresh flower solution.