Features & Benefits
- Provides a balanced formula to lower the pH and increase the speed of rose hydration.
- Provides the appropriate amount of nutrients to inhibit premature bud opening and bent neck in roses.
- Helps in keeping the rose stem’s “plumbing” free flowing.
- Effective at room temperature and in storage coolers.
- Product is clear in all water types.
- Helps reduce flower scrap and customer credit adjustments.
FloraLife® Clear Rose 200 - 5 Gallon
Liquid Concentrate & Powder
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Commonly used by floral professionals during the transport and storage stage of roses, the FloraLife® Clear Rose 200 treatment is an ideal conditioner for increased freshness. Keeping flowers fresh makes for less waste and provides for maximum enjoyment. An excellent choice for high volume users: growers, shippers, bouquet makers, wholesalers, supermarkets and florists. Great for processing, shipping, or shop displays when wanting to keep roses from opening prematurely.